The content panels are a powerful way to enable customer abilities. They allow users to achieve the full round trip for managing and marketing content. Panels open the product up to a more intelligent and overall customizable experience while giving developers a space to build 3rd party panels.
Content Panel Left
Content Panel Right
Content Panel Left and Right
Content Panel Left Tabs
Content Panel Right Tabs
Content Panel Left and Right Tabs
The file view allows to upload and manage mobile and website content with the abilities to filter and sort documents.
The information panel allows users to see and customize information associated with the current document.
The content panel allows users to build documents, websites and interfaces using prebuilt componants, integrations and more.
The digital asset manager panel allows users to visually browse and manage content while working along side of documents and projects.
The properties panels allows users to modify and adjust almost every askpect of an asset or website.
The debug panel allows users to view code errors, run tests and assists during development.
The linked assets panel allows users to view other linked content associated with the current docoument or project.
The content reports panel allows users to customize reports focused around the tasks they are looking to achieve.