The icons displayed on this page are used in the V3 product.
Section icons are used in the main menu navigation to represent the sections of the application.
( Displayed icons proportionately inside of a 30px x 30px container. Do not stretch. )
Default Panels
Default panel icons are used when panels have been collapsed.
( Displayed icons proportionately inside of a 28px x 28px container. Do not stretch. )
Extended Panels
Extended panel icons are used when panels have been collapsed.
( Displayed icons proportionately inside of a 28px x 28px container. Do not stretch. )
Fileview icons are used in the panel to help navigate and distinguish the different types of content in the application.
( Displayed icons proportionately inside of a 15px x 15px container. Do not stretch. )
Digital asset manager icons are used in the panel to help navigate the content in the application.
( Displayed icons proportionately inside of a 18px x 14px container. Do not stretch. )
Panel content block icons are used as drag and drop identifiers in the content block panel.
( Displayed icons proportionately inside of a 42px x 35px container. Do not stretch. )
Action bar icons are used as user action controls in the content bar.
( Displayed icons proportionately inside of a 15px x 15px container. Do not stretch. )
Account icons are used as user action controls in the profile dropdown.
( Displayed icons proportionately inside of a 15px x 15px container. Do not stretch. )
Messaging icons are used as placeholders for messaging content on landing pages in the application.
( Displayed icons proportionately inside of a 65px x 65px circle with icons displayed inside of a 32px x 32px container. Do not stretch. )
Support icons are used as quick link identifiers in the support section of the application.
( Displayed icons proportionately inside of a 85px x 85px container. Do not stretch. )